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Obama rejected the 1,700-mile pipeline that would carry tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada, through parts of six states en route to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast because there was not enough time to complete a needed environmental review of changes made to the projects route. TransCanada Corp. is changes to the route to avoid environmentally sensitive areas in NebrPipeline is in countrys best interest keystone aftermarket partsaska, but tkeystone aftermarket partshe proposed changes have not been presented yet.
President Barack Obamas recent rejection of the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas certainly wont be the last word on the project, and even Democrats are supporting the
-- Minot (N.D.) Daily News
LANCASTER The intersection of Pierce and Fair Avenue could be upgraded as soon as this ll, and...
Its easy to say, but politics should be set aside in this discussion. The Obama administration is seeking to put off a final decision until after the November election, a time frame that is unacceptable, while Republicans are upset about Obama postponing thousands of good-paying construction jobs.
Lets let the company resubmit the changes, do the environmental study as quickly as possible and get this project back on track before the November election.
We hope everyone realizes the pipeline is in the countrys best interest.
Pipeline is in countrys best interest keystone aftermarket parts,President Barack Obamas recent rejection of the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas certainly wont be the last word on the project, and even Democrats are supporting the pipelines eventual approval.